Business & Industry Connection

Mrs. Braddock

Our Students Want To Learn About Your Career Field!

Are you interested in supporting students in their career development and preparation?  The Benton County Career and Technical Center is looking for business and industry partners to engage with us in providing the following Career Connected Learning experiences for high school students: 

  • Participate as a Career Speaker.  Visit the Career Center to inform students about your career field and training path.

  • Host an Industry Tour.  Host a small group or classroom of high school students and chaperones on a visit to your workplace to learn about your career field and work environment.  

  • Host a Student Job Shadow.  A Job Shadow is a one-time visit by a high school student to your workplace to learn about the daily activities and work environment in your career field.

  • Provide Real World Projects.  Provide students with real world challenges faced by your industry where they can research, develop and present potential solutions or products to address these challenges.

  • Provide a Student Internship.  An Internship is a short term paid or unpaid work experience where high school students deepen their understanding about your field while applying what they have learned in the classroom in your workplace.  

  • Employ a High School Student.  Provide summer or entry level employment for high school students with appropriate skills and training for your company.


In addition to the above opportunities, the following are additional needs and areas for Business Partnership:

  • Participate in Mock Interviews.  Mock Interviews are simulated job interviews with a business partner from our community which help prepare students for the competitive job market.  This is a short term commitment that takes place during the school day with no real prep time involved.

  • Host a Teacher Visit to your Workplace.  Provide a professional learning experience where teachers spend time in your workplace to learn about emerging trends, requirements and opportunities in industries related to their subject. 

  • Serve on a CTE Program Advisory Committee.  CTE Program Advisory Committee (PAC) members support teachers in understanding and aligning their programs to industry needs and expectations.  In addition, PAC members help us connect with area employers and industry professionals to expand Career Connected Learning opportunities for students.  Program Advisory Committee membership opportunities are available for each of our CTE Programs.

Business Partnership Form

Mississippi Works Magazine